Friday, October 16, 2009

Krakow, Poland

Lindsay and I ventured to Poland... in the freezing cold and snow! We had quite an adventure, leaving both of us wondering why exactly we chose to live in the Alps where it is cold 6+ months of the year! Luckily I borrowed Chenea's coat for the trip since I don't have a warm one, which I definitely need to buy soon!

We had some transportation troubles--broken-down trains, unexpected taxi rides, delayed flights, no-show buses, and railway construction--all of which made our trip a little adventurous. We also made a New Zealand friend in our hostel who took us to some fun nearby pubs.

We tried Polish food, including potato cakes and Polish pizza, and drank lots and lots of coffee and hot chocolate to keep warm. We also had 2 of my favorite foods that I've yet to have since living in Europe... Mexican and sushi!

The town square, Rynek Glowny, was gorgeous, but unfortunately the main building was under construction. We also visited Wawel Hill, home to the city's famous castle and cathedral.

Rynek Glowny

Day 2 we visited Auschwitz-- the largest concentration camp. One room was completely filled with shoes of those who had died there--just one of the many tragic sights at the camp.


Day 3 we visited the Wieliczka Salt Mine, where we journeyed down hundreds of steps to 135m below ground. Our tour guide sounded like dracula and made our visit very entertaining!

We returned to Garmisch to find the mountains covered in snow, but luckily it is not too cold.... yet!

Monday, October 12, 2009

And So Winter Begins..

Yesterday I woke up to see snow on the Zugspitze--the tallest mountain in Germany. Today I woke up to see snow on the Kramer, a not-so-tall mountain, and tomorrow I expect to see snow in town--which I am definitely not prepared for!

I have yet to buy a warm winter coat or snow boots, so that is top on my list of things to do! And even with all the winter gear, I'm not sure I'm fully prepared for what I've gotten myself into being the warm weather lover that I am.

I did get in one last good hike this week. Brynn and I hiked the Fricken...yes that's the actual name of the mountain. It was a little bit tougher than we were expecting but we made it! Rachel's parents were also in town and they invited me to dinner--it was quite nice to have a family for the evening--- something I miss so much about being back in the States!

Tomorrow Lindsay and I are off to Poland, where it is also snowing, and next week Mom is coming!

That's all for now!